Strain Stiffening Universality in Composite Hydrogels and Soft Biological Tissues Song, J., Deiss-Yehiely, E., Yesilata, S., & McKinley, G. H.Nature Physics, In Press, 2025 |
Mussel-Inspired Cross-Linking Mechanisms Enhance Gelation and Adhesion of Multifunctional Mucin-Derived Hydrogels Degen, G. D., Stevens, C. A., Cárcamo-Oyarce, G., Song, J., Bej, R., Tang, P., Haag, R., Ribbeck, K. R. & McKinley, G. H.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, In Press, 2025 |
Non-Linear Rheology of Melted Cheddar Cheese Song, J.Journal of Food Engineering, 391, 112450, 2025 |
Valence Can Control the Nonexponential Viscoelastic Relaxation of Multivalent Reversible Gels Le Roy, H.*, Song, J*, Lundberg, D., Zhukhovitskiy, A. V., Johnson, J. A., McKinley, G. H., Holten-Andersen, N., & Lenz, MScience Advances, 10, 20, eadl5056, 2024 |
Soft Viscoelastic Magnetic Hydrogels from the In Situ Mineralization of Iron Oxide in Metal-Coordinate Polymer Networks Song, J., Kim, S., Saouaf, O., Owens, C., McKinley, G. H., & Holten-Andersen, N.ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15, 45, 52874-52882, 2023 |
Non-Maxwellian Viscoelastic Stress Relaxations in Soft Matter Song, J*, Holten-Andersen, N., McKinley, G. H.Soft Matter, 19, 7885-7906, 2023 |
Coordination Stoichiometry Effects on the Binding Hierarchy of Histamine and Imidazole–M2+ Complexes Song, J.*, Khare, E.*, Rao, L., & Holten-Andersen, N.Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 44, 17, 2300077, 2023 |
Molecular Understanding of Ni2+-Nitrogen Family Metal-Coordinated Hydrogel Relaxation Times Using Free Energy Landscapes Khare, E., Cazzell, S., Song, J., Holten-Andersen, N., & Buehler, M.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120, 4, e2213160120, 2023 |
Microscopic Dynamics Underlying the Stress Relaxation of Arrested Soft Materials Song, J., Zhang, Q., de Quesada, F., Rizvi, M. H., Ilavsky, J., Tracy, J. B., Narayanan, S., Del Gado, E., Leheny. R. L., Holten-Andersen, N., & McKinley, G. H.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, 30, e2201566119, 2022 |
Dynamics of Dual Metal-Coordinate Networks with Ion and Nanoparticle Cross-Link Junctions Song, J.*, Li, Q.*, Chen, P., Keshavarz, B., Chapman, B., Tracy, J. B., McKinley, G. H., & Holten-Andersen, N.Journal of Rheology, 66, 6, 1333-1345, 2022 |
In-Situ Mechanical Reinforcement of Polymer Hydrogels via Metal-Coordination Crosslink Mineralization Kim, S., Registsky, A. U., Song, J., Ilavsky, J., McKinley, G. H., & Holten-Andersen, N.Nature Communications, 12, 1, 1-10, 2021 |
Brush Polymers as Nanoscale Building Blocks for Hydrogel Synthesis Jia, F., Song, J., Kubiak, J., Santos, P. J., Sano, K., Holten-Andersen, N., Zhang, K., & Macfarlane, R. J.Chemistry of Materials, 33, 14, 5748-5756, 2021 |
Programmable Anisotropy and Percolation in Supramolecular Patchy Particle Gels Song, J., Rizvi, M. H., Lynch, B. B., Ilavsky, J., Mankus, D., Tracy, J, B., McKinley, G. H., & Holten-Andersen, N.ACS Nano, 14, 12, 17018-17027, 2020 |
Anti-Fatigue-Fracture Hydrogels Lin, X., Liu, X., Liu, J., Yuk, H., Loh, H., Parada, G. A., Settens, C., Song, J., Masic, A., McKinley, G. H., & Zhao, X.Science Advances, 5, 1, eaau8528, 2019 |
Temperature Effects on the Nanoindentation Characterization of Stiffness Gradients in Confined Polymers Song, J.*, Kahraman, R.*, Collinson, D.*, Xia, W., Brinson, L. C., & Keten, S.Soft Matter, 15, 3, 359-370, 2019 |
Coarse-Grained Modelling of Polymer Viscoelasticity via Energy Renormalization Song, J., Hsu, D. D., Shull, K. R., Phelan Jr, F. R., Douglas, J. F., Xia, W., & Keten, S.Macromolecules, 51, 10, 3818-3827, 2018 |
Energy Renormalization for Coarse-Graining the Dynamics of a Model Glass-Forming Liquid Xia, W., Song, J., Krishnamurthy, N., Phelan Jr, F. R., Keten, S., & Douglas, J. F.The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122, 6, 2040-2045, 2018 |
Energy-Renormalization for Achieving Temperature Transferable Coarse-Graining of Polymer Dynamics Xia, W.*, Song, J.*, Jeong, C., Hsu, D. D., Phelan, F. R., Douglas, J. F., & Keten, S.Macromolecules, 50, 21, 8787-8796, 2017 |
Dynamics of Interacting Interfaces in Polymer Bilayer Thin Films Hsu, D. D., Xia, W., Song, J., & Keten, S.MRS Communications, 7, 4, 832-839, 2017 |
Side-Group Size Effects on Interfaces and Glass Formation in Supported Polymer Thin Films Xia, W., Song, J., Hsu, D. D., & Keten, S.The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 20, 203311, 2017 |
Understanding the Interfacial Mechanical Response of Nanoscale Polymer Thin Films via Nanoindentation Xia, W.*, Song, J.*, Hsu, D. D., & Keten, S.Macromolecules, 49, 10, 3810-3817, 2016 |
Designing Multi-Layer Graphene-Based Assemblies for Enhanced Toughness in Nacre-Inspired Nanocomposites Xia, W., Song, J., Meng, Z., & Keten, S.Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 1, 1, 40-47, 2016 |
Glass-Transition and Side-Chain Dynamics in Thin Films: Explaining Dissimilar Free Surface Effects for Polystyrene vs Poly(methyl methacrylate) Hsu, D. D., Xia, W., Song, J., & Keten, S.ACS Macro Letters, 5, 4, 481-486, 2016 |